Friday, July 15, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Never having been one for goodbyes, these are made much easier by knowing we'll be back in a year. Michele landed in Auckland yesterday, purchased a minivan (with tinted glass and mag wheels and a racing muffler--don't know why someone would trick out a minivan, though I'm told this is not uncommon). Looking at pictures of it I realized the steering wheel is on the right hand side--forgot about that. First couple of weeks of driving should be interesting. It was recently imported from Japan so we'll have to try to get our hands on a geiger counter just to be on the safe side. She and her sister will drive down to Wellington to check out the high schools and hopefully find a furnished house to rent.
Had my last day of work--I'll really miss working with the fantastic team I work with. Leaving my patients is made much easier by knowing that they're in good hands and will be well cared for while I'm gone. Dr. Beard is now the lone token male in the department so please offer him support if you can. He needs someone to invite him over for beer and the ND-USC football game in the Fall.
Said goodbyes to many wonderful friends on Whidbey Island and had a party and got to see many for the last time for a while. Thanks for coming! The Diamond Knot IPA was great and we had a lot of fun so we may have to have another party when we come back.
In a week we'll say goodbye to our house and Buddy our dog who won't make the trip with us. Our renters will take care of him and our house so we're grateful to them.
Next post from Wellington where it's winter (though with our recent weather it won't be too much of a shock to the system).


  1. Hey Hey Dr. Poirier,
    This is Janet Roberson!! I am happy to hear you and your family made it to NewZealand. Sad your gone. I hope everything goes well with you and your family. Just always remember "Angels are with you and your family". I already miss you and I have enjoyed the pics and the letter you sent out. Its "never a Goodbye". Its see you later. So far things are going well. I kept a promise to you and I will work real hard at it. Winter there already...OMG...not good!! will post another time. Be safe...God Bless you and your family. MISS YA ALREADY :(

  2. Janet,
    Sorry about the delay, just now seeing this! It's been a whirlwind with my first week of work, getting the kids in school, furnishing a house, driving on the wrong side of the road etc etc. Everyone has been really friendly here, will be back before you know it. Take care!
