Monday, August 1, 2011

Made it to Wellington! Still a bit of a blur this last week, but got the house and the boys and I packed up and everything weighed and squished into suitcases and on the plane, including two bikes. Michele met us in Wellington and we spent 2 nights in a hotel in the city and had a great time getting to know the city. James was excited that there are lots of skateboarders here and a skateboard park right downtown.
Michele picked out a house in Wadestown which is very close to the city and up on a steep hill. There's a running route I've done there that pretty much leads straight up to a "reserve" with trails and amazing views over the city. Wellington is very hilly and it's amazing how steep some of the roads and driveways are and the slopes some of the houses are built on. Because of this, none of the roads are at right angles which is difficult for those of us (me) who are directionally challenged.
I bought a beater commuter car that hopefully will last a year. Went to a guy who specializes in low-end cars and it was fun driving around all the low-end cars and trying to guess which one would last a year and I'd still be able to sell in a year. Didn't take too long to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road. I still always go to the wrong side of the car to get in... There are some weird traffic rules here, none of which you're required to know to get a NZ driver's license, and one of which almost got us in an accident a couple days ago. Best to drive slowly and always assume you have to yield to the person you're facing, even if they're making a lefthand turn in front of you because they actually do have the right of way!
The majority of the houses here are older and are built with no insulation and no central heat. You just heat the rooms you're in and sleep in unheated bedrooms with comforters. Sort of feels like living in a cabin. Could only find an unfurnished house with a year's lease so we're busy trying to furnish a 3 bedroom house. Just got internet access today so it's great to be plugged back in.
The boys have their first day of school tomorrow. They've met the counselors and the principal, everyone seems really nice. It's an alternative public school in that it's co-ed and there aren't any uniforms. Most of the schools, even public schools, are single sex and have uniforms.
I had my first day of work today. Just orientation so far. Everyone is really nice and acomodating. Definitely more laid back here--start at 8:30, finish by 5:00, stop for morning and afternoon tea, and they give you an hour and a half of paid time to do your paperwork. Quite civilized! More on work later once I get settled in and learn the system.
All for now, will post more later.


  1. Nice little house. Sorry, forgot to tell you about the right-hand-turn rule :) You knew about the hills, though, right?

  2. Knew about the hills in theory, but the reality is amazing. Hillier than San Francisco. Biking and running around here is going to be quite a workout!

    According to someone Michele talked to they're going to do away with the right-hand turn rule because NZ is the last country to have it and people like me coming in don't know the rule which doesn't lead to good outcomes.

  3. Hey Dr. Poirier, This is Janet. The pictures are amazing. WOW NZ is beautiful. I don't think I would make it driving there myself. I like the beehive pic and the water there is so blue. something we don't get here. Things are not too good here but i am working on the issue. Haven't been in since you left. thought i'd be able to hold off ti; you get back. i got a puppy for an early b-day present from hubby. He's a teacup mini-pin. weighs a whole 2.1 lbs and his name is Gizmo. He is so cute and a cuddler. He is always wanting me to hold him. I am glad you and your family are settling in NZ now and that your boys are going good. Take care and enjoy NZ.
