Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Wellington comes to New Zealand

October 16, 2011

Interestingly, the US has the widest discrepancy between the haves and the have nots of any developed country, the top 1% control 30% of the wealth, Sweden is next with 1% controlling 18% of the wealth, New Zealand is next with 1% controlling 16% of the wealth. Here are some shots from occupy Wellington.


  1. I know this. I told my wealthy friends this when I was down there last year, and they all reacted in disbelief, and questioned my sources. They literally could not believe that NZ was #2 or 3 in wealth disparity. So, tell me, where did you get the numbers?

  2. I got this from a Newspaper article (I think New York Times) and Googled it as well--not too rigorously scientific in my research. Was a surprise to me that NZ was that high up the list!
